MSU Diversity Champions

What is a MSU Diversity Champion?

MSU Diversity Champions will serve as campus speakers and guest lecturers on topics of diversity, equity and inclusion in the classroom. Your knowledge and experience will offer a welcome addition to the classroom experience for our students with your lens on related topics around inclusion. We anticipate a lot of the opportunities for the fall semester will involve our GEP classes on campus.

Invite a Diversity Champion to your class

Who can participate?

We welcome faculty and staff who have some experience or at least a great deal of awareness and cultural humility to express your interest in serving as a Diversity Champion this school year.

This program is currently open to Missouri State University employees only. A $50 stipend will be provided by the Office of the Provost and the Division for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for each session that you conduct.

I want to be a Diversity Champion